Mild Cataplexy

Cataplexy is a condition that often accompanies narcolepsy. It is characterized by a loss of voluntary muscle control in various parts of the body. It is often triggered by stress and other emotional responses like joy, sadness, or anger.  Sometimes it can be so severe that the sufferer may fall down or be unable to move for several seconds or minutes.

I have never had a severe cataplexy attack where I have completely fallen down, or at least that I can remember. Normally I find myself slurring my words or having difficulty moving, my cataplexy isn’t as severe as some peoples’. Sometimes I will stare off into space and have a kind of scowl on my face, I usually don’t notice it unless someone brings it to my attention though. The milder forms of cataplexy may go unnoticed and many people with narcolepsy might not bring them to their doctor’s attention since they are less obvious. I have also noticed that if I am stressed I tend to be more clumsy and drop things, sometimes I will drop my keys and have trouble unlocking doors like I suddenly lost control of my fine motor skills. My handwriting is also different based on the mood I am in and how tired I am, it is pretty sloppy to begin with but some times it is far worse than usual and totally illegible. I have actually fallen asleep while taking notes in class before and wrote several lines of nonsense in my notebook while sitting in class.

I have also read that cataplexy often affects people with narcolepsy while exercising or playing sports. I have always had difficulty playing sports as far back as I could remember. The adrenaline and energy involved in playing sports can often trigger cataplexy attacks. It isn’t uncommon for someone with narcolepsy to have difficulty with hand eye coordination, this is a problem I have always had. I almost always have difficulty catching and hitting when playing any sport, for a long time I just thought that I was bad at them. I have read that you can even be almost paralyzed when partaking in sports, I remember when I was kid in gym class, I would always freeze up when playing, I would frequently barely be able to move even if a ball was flying directly at my head.

When I am anxious or in an uncomfortable situation I also notice that my cataplexy becomes more severe. I have always had pretty severe social anxiety, when I am in large groups of people, sometimes even people that I know and am comfortable with it feels like my brain completely shuts down, I get a foggy feeling in my head and can’t think coherently, I also have serious difficulty talking and thinking of things to say. I did some research and this apparently is a symptom of cataplexy as well. It is very irritating, I have gone to several counselors over the years about this, and nobody was ever able to give me any real answers or suggestions that worked which is frustrating. I  have also noticed that if I am stressed out at work or if I am having an argument with my wife I also become almost paralyzed and unable to really move or speak, I may just stand around and stare with a blank look on my face for a few seconds to a several minutes. It is annoying because it gives the impression that I don’t care, but in reality it is like somebody pressed the “off switch” in my brain. I have heard of people with narcolepsy completely shutting off their emotions and avoiding all stressful and emotional situations out of fear of having a cataplexy attack. This is something that I have caught myself doing as well, but it definitely is not a healthy way to cope with it. I have heard that some medications such as Xyrem can decrease the amount and severity of cataplexy attacks, I am going to ask my neurologist about it when I see him next month.

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